Hike Code

Dare to be Great

Hike Blog


Building something new, something different, making anything innovative requires the ability to surrender to the unknown. The Hike Code outlines how we envision our culture, a guide to help us navigate through this unknown to build incredible products.

Think of the Hike Code like a GPS. A GPS helps you get to your destination. Just like we can update GPS software, also expect the Hike Code to constantly evolve as does everything at Hike.

This is our way. We don’t claim it’s the right way, it is just ours. This quote from Warren Buffet sums up our thinking →

“You can hold a ballet and that can be successful and you can hold a rock concert and that can be successful. Just don’t hold a ballet and advertise it as a rock concert. You need to be clear with all of your stakeholders and then people get to self-select in.”

Our Purpose

We exist to bring joy to people’s lives by building breakthrough and innovative products. We do that by challenging the status quo and doing the unthinkable. We have a strong desire to see a better world, one where the human consciousness is evolving in the right direction. Our products & business serve this mission.

Our Principles

1. Top talent in every role

We look for incredibly sharp people who align with our values. We have zero-tolerance for brilliant jerks. We continuously bar raise with every hire and also with every promotion. We invest in coaching our talent to become the best in the industry. When interviewing, ‘Yes’ must be a big yes and a maybe is a no.

2. Pro-sports team

We understand that business is more pro soccer than pro golf. We play to our areas of strengths and rely on others for theirs, just like a soccer team. We default to trust and give the benefit of doubt wherever possible. We’re results-driven and have a high dedication to our work. We have a “team-first” attitude and we fight like we’re right but listen like we’re wrong.

3. Consumer always at the center

We exist to invent on our consumers' behalf, realizing it’s not their job to invent for themselves. We understand that our consumers are busy and also spend time figuring out how to make our products stand out. We work incredibly hard to build trust with our consumers and are curious about both good & bad insights from them. We’re a bit more right-brained than most and also care about the romantic value in our products and how they make our consumers feel.

4. Constant innovation

We invent because we understand “Me Too” won’t do. We believe value is created through invention and not on a spreadsheet. We understand that great craftsmanship (action, creation, risk) lies at the root of all inventions. We value the creative process. We have the courage to deal with the ambiguity and uncertainty that comes with walking into the unknown in search of pioneering new frontiers. We see failure as an important part of building something new as long as it yields strategic insight. We aren’t afraid of being misunderstood in the short-term.

5. Act like owners

We own the output of what we do and take radical responsibility for our actions and emotions.

We have a knack for always finding a way no matter the odds. We dive deep and stay connected to the details. We have insanely high standards for everything we do that most people may think unreasonable. We’re true champions of the company both inside and out.

6. Thoughtful decision making

We’re obsessed with keeping things incredibly simple. We identify root causes and go beyond the surface level of problems. We prioritize well and articulate what we’re doing now, what can be done later and what we’re not doing. We stay data-informed to raise our quality of thinking. We think ahead and anticipate the impact of our decisions and work hard to continuously increase the probability of being right.

7. Bias for action

We value speed and are comfortable making decisions with 60–70% information. We don’t aim to operate in perfect certainty and embrace a certain level of chaos that comes with being creative. We see that a clear & strongly-opinionated hypothesis is the basis of moving fast. We understand the difference between reversible & irreversible decisions and act accordingly.

8. Be open-minded & keep learning

We’re never done learning. We have the quest to improve every single day and have the discipline for continuous self-improvement. We believe there is no finish line, there is no having made it. We understand that comfort is not the objective and do whatever it takes to obliterate complacency. We look for the best answers and not just the ones in our heads. We’re antifragile and get better with adversity → 1% better every day.

The Right People

All of the above only works, if we do. The right people embrace our principles and understand what is expected of them. Here are the 6 traits we look for across all roles and levels →

Curious & Creative Smart

You’re someone who is incredibly curious, who can combine technical depth with business savvy and creative flair. You’re able to learn quickly and draw connections from different areas.

Drive & Hard Working

You have tremendous mental stamina and are incredibly committed. You are diligent and have a great work ethic.

Humble & High Integrity

You’re humble and you care about building real value over trying to look good. You show zero entitlement, no matter how successful you are.

Value Discipline & Good Habits

You’re extremely well organized. You naturally enjoy improving your own and your team’s productivity.

Grit & Optimism

You have the ability to get knocked down and get back up again. You don’t get fazed easily. You have a constructive & optimistic perspective on everything.

Self Reflective

You understand your strengths and weaknesses. You reflect often.

The Prior Idiots Phenomenon

When working with a new team, it’s easy to jump to the conclusion that a lot of the stuff that’s been done in the past was wrong and can be done much better. That’s a good sentiment and helps us improve the way we work and evolve. However, it’s mindful to be aware of the “Prior Idiots Phenomenon” — that goes a long way to ensure you build trust with the team and move faster and align with everyone quickly instead of alienating them and causing unnecessary disruption.

Source: Bobby Ghoshal and Nick Stamas

Sounds like a culture that you might want to be a part of? Check out our open roles and apply here → work.hike.in 🚀

